National Catholic Census Project: 1996 – 2021

Catholics in the 2021 Census

Census was held on the night of 10 August 2021. As in earlier censuses, this office acquires significant amounts of data about Catholics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We have prepared several reports based on information from the Census. You can access these reports by clicking on the links below:

The 2021 Social Profile of the Catholic Community in Australia

Hard copies available at: ACBC Online Shop

2021 Diocesan Social Profiles


2021 Parish Social Profiles


Special Reports from the 2021 Census: 

1.  Australian Dioceses by Religious Affiliation and Per Cent Catholic, 2021 Census Report

2. About Sex, Gender & Same-sex Relationships in the Census 


3. 2021 Census: Top Five Parishes in Australia

This report ranks Catholic parishes in a number of different categories from the 2021 Census.

4. Engaging with your 2021 Parish Social Profile

This report is a compilation of resources to help explain and unpack the data from the 2016 Parish Social Profiles.


5. 2021 Disability Report for the Catholic Church in Australia

The information in this report is sourced from the 2021 Census as part of the National Catholic Census Project (1991‐2021). The data in this report applies to all those who identify themselves as Catholic in the Census.


6. Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas 2021 (SEIFA) Background Information

This report explains the ABS Social-Economic Indicators for Areas (SEIFA) that help understand levels of disadvantage and advantage within communities. The NCPR has calculated these scores for parishes in 2021. Please get in touch with the Centre to request these scores for your diocese.

More information on the 2021 Australian Census can be found on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website: 


Catholics in the 2016 Census

The 2016 Census was held on 9 August 2016. Several national, state, parish and diocesan-level reports of 2016 data on the Catholic population are available. These reports can be accessed by clicking the links below.

The 2016 Social Profile of the Catholic Community in Australia

2016 Diocesan Social Profiles

2016 Parish Social Profiles


Special Reports from the 2016 Census: 

1. Disability Report for the Catholic Church in Australia
2. Engaging with your Parish Social Profile
3. Top 5 Parishes in Australia
4. Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas 2016 (SEIFA) – Background Information
5. Australian Dioceses by Religious Affiliation, and Per Cent Catholic, 2016 Census Report
6. Australian Parishes by Religious Affiliation, and Per Cent Catholic: 2016 Census Report: (PLEASE NOTE: The Parish File is 39 pages long. Please use caution before you press “Print”)


Catholics in the 2011 Census

There are several national, state, parish and diocesan-level reports of 2011 data on the Catholic population that have been produced. These are not available online. Please contact the Centre if you would like a copy of a 2011 National, Diocesan or Parish Social Profile.

The 2011 Social Profile of the Catholic Community in Australia (National Report)

2011 Diocesan Social Profiles

2011 Parish Social Profiles

Special Reports from the 2011 Census:  

Catholic organisations can also obtain the Excel file on which these pdfs are based. Please contact us for further info.

Please click on the links below to access the national and state-level reports:


Catholics in the 2006 Census

The 2006 National Catholic Census project derived data for each Diocese and Parish from the 2006 Australian Census. These are not available online. Please contact our Centre if you would like a copy of a 2006 Diocesan or Parish Social Profile.s project derived data for each Diocese and Parish from the 2006 Australian Census. These are not available online. Please contact our office if you would like a copy of a 2006 Di

2006 Diocesan Social Profiles

2006 Parish Social Profiles

Other useful information and links:

Website link to: Australian Bureau of Statistics