Useful Websites for more Information


Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) is the national body of the Bishops of Australia. On this site you will find information and links for individual bishops and dioceses, as well as for the Bishops Commissions and their secretariats and agencies that are charged with carrying forward various aspects of the Church’s mission in Australia. You will also find links to other bodies within the Church, both in Australia and internationally.

ACBC – ACU Office of Pastoral Research

A project of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Australian Catholic University. Director: Rev. Dr Michael Mason C.Ss.R., Research Fellow, Institute for the Advancement of Research. Visit this site for updates on “Pilgrims’ Progress 2008” Research Project on World Youth Day, Sydney 2008.

Australian Catholic University

The Australian Catholic University (ACU) is a public university funded by the Australian Government and open to students and staff of all beliefs. ACU has six campuses in Australia and offer programs throughout Australia and overseas.

Christian Research Association

The Christian Research Association (CRA) was formed in 1985 to serve the churches of Australia. Its task is to provide up-to-date and reliable information about religious faith and church life in Australia. About 400 organisations, churches, schools and individuals are Associate Members of the CRA. Dr Philip Hughes is the senior research officer of the CRA.

National Church Life Survey

NCLS Research is a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Decades of rigorous and thoughtful research has been based on millions of participants. Co-operating denominations, including Catholics, Anglicans and Protestants, are a network for sharing practical resources to help churches.

National Pastoral Planning Network

The National Pastoral Planning Network now has its own website

Parish Pastoral Councils in Australia

Are you a member of your Parish Pastoral Council? You probably have many questions, such as: Why do we have PPCs? What do they do? What is my role? How should the meetings be run? Now the Australian Catholic Bishops have provided answers to these questions and many more on their new website for Parish Pastoral Councils. It presents clear information and advice in a straightforward way about the roles, functions and responsibilities of Parish Pastoral Councils and their members, suggestions for setting up PPCs and for their operations, and an FAQ section for commonly asked questions. It also explains some of the theology behind the concept of PPCs and their relationship to the Parish Priest. A working group has been established by the ACBC to look at ways of supporting PPCs and their membership in their important roles. The working group will continue to develop and refine the website and will also be looking further at resource needs for the formation of PPC members.


Pontifical Council for Culture

The ACBC’s Pastoral Projects Office is the first Australian entity to become a recognised member of the Pontifical Council for Culture (PCC). The history of the Pontificium Consilium de Cultura, the Pontifical Council for Culture, dates back to the Second Vatican Council. A whole section of that Council’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church – Gaudium et Spes – emphasises the fundamental importance of culture. The PCC is that department (Dicastery) of the Roman Curia which assists the Pontiff in the exercise of his supreme pastoral office for the benefit and service of the universal Church and of particular Churches concerning the encounter between the saving message of the Gospel and cultures. In particular, it promotes dialogue with contemporary cultures. Furthermore, the Pontifical Council for Culture oversees and co-ordinates the activities of the Pontifical Academies, and co-operates on a regular basis with the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church.

United States:

Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate

The Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) aims to discover, promote, and apply modern techniques and scientific informational resources for practical use in a coordinated and effective approach to the Church’s social and religious mission in the modern world, at home in the US and overseas. CARA’s research team is made up of social scientists with advanced degrees and Research Associates are faculty of Georgetown University. CARA offers a range of services for: parishes, dioceses, Catholic schools and tertiary institutions, religious communities, Catholic charities and social service organizations, Catholic media plus other Catholic institutions and organizations.

Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development

The Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development (CPPCD) promotes and advocates consultative processes that foster effective planning for the pastoral life of the church. Through member involvement, education, personal development, and professional programming, the organization and its members work together to develop their full potential in their unique ministries.